Friday, December 2, 2011

Six weeks Post Op

Weight 279.4
Average daily calorie intake: still no idea but not much
Average exercise: occasional walking and 4hrs of kitchen duty a day
Weight loss in last 2 weeks: 6.6lbs (out of town last week)
Total weight loss: 40.4lbs in 6 weeks

I managed to make it through thanksgiving without over eating. In fact I had two bites of
turkey, one bite of sweet potato and one green bean and I am NOT exaggerating.

I had my five week doctors follow up this week and he said things were looking good. I asked
about the nausea I seem to feel these days when it comes time to eat and he said it was not unusual and that patients who felt this usually got over the feeling in the first 4 to 5 months after surgery. He also said that the 2 or 3 ounces of food capacity I have will likely expand to 5 or so ounces in the future, He also said that my weight progress was good.

The best part is that I stopped taking my blood pressure meds a couple of weeks ago and when checked at the doctors I was 135/63, yippee!

The last couple of days I really have been feeling nauseous though. It is a pretty crappy feeling. It is kind of like being on the edge of being sick without really being sick; we’ll call it pre-puke sick….. and it just stays there on the edge. I say get sick or get over it damn it!

Interestingly, I do not feel a lack of energy. I am not getting tired at work (bored maybe) and I breeze right through class at night (2 more weeks of culinary classes people!). I have decided that because I will have a significant bock of time become free in two weeks I will start a daily regimen of exercise which will include 6 days of tread mill and 3 days in the apartment workout room. I am starting to see the excess skin and need to really concentrate on firming up. This should also
help drop a few more pounds the right way.

Have a good
week everyone.

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