Friday, November 11, 2011

End of week 3 Post Op

Weight 292.4
Average daily calorie intake: around 650
Average exercise: none (school has me waiting tables 5 hrs a night now no time except weekends)
Weight loss this week: 4.2lbsTotal
Total weight loss: 27.6lbs in 21 days

I am three weeks into my new eating lift style. I have learned that when they tell you NOT to drink ANYTHING 20minutes before eating, NO drinking with meal and NO drinking 30 minutes after meal it is not a joke.

The fluid that would normally go through seems to be stuck with the food and increases the volume exponentially. If I do it correctly, I can eat 1/2 of a fillet o fish sandwich. If I mess up and eat too soon after drinking anything, 2 oz. can top the tank and just want to make you .... well you get the idea.

Last week I had 3 days of no weight loss; followed by a weekend of camping (and drinking) so I was afraid I would have a disappointing week but still managed to hit my 4lbs average. However, I did find that alcohol and it’s befits seem to be totally wasted on my now. The weight loss center warned that alcohol consumption might lead to faster intoxication as well as a stagnation of weight loss. I found neither to be true. In fact, the effects of the alcohol was nearly unnoticeable except for the fact that when I ate food I bloated like an over filled father’s day mylar balloon.

(NOTE TO SELF: self, don’t waste your money buying alcohol anymore).

The holidays are approaching and I feel confident that the will come and go without a mental collapse regarding food. I now seem to be able to eat anything I want as long as I follow the liquid rules and keep my portions to about ½ cup or less at a time and make most everything I eat a protein.

Confession: I had a tablespoon (literally) of ice cream last night, wow what a treat… but I was satisfied.


  1. Your progress is encouraging Jim and inspiring. I'm glad you were able to take this step and know you will reap the benefits.

  2. Thanks Jay, it's going to be an interesting ride.
